Graduation Ceremony for the Academic Year 2024/2025


Akademische Jahresfeier _3_

On Friday, the 17th of January, this year’s official graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering took place. Graduates from Computational Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering as well as the first graduates from Subsurface Engineering celebrated the successful completion of their studies. Furthermore, particularly outstanding degrees and achievements from graduates were awarded. The evening was hosted by Prof. Wichern, dean of the faculty, and civil engineering student and student council member Manuela Heinrichs.

This year, a total of three CompEng graduates were honoured with an award for their outstanding achievements. The Niemann Engineering Prize, which is awarded annually for the best achievement in the master’s programme Compuational Engineering, goes this year to Alexander Jungeilges for his master's thesis on ‘Convergence analysis of the (1+1) evolution strategy with drift arguments’ and Sina Shivaei for his Master's thesis on ‘Parameter study on size and shape of excavation damaged zone’. Alexander Jungeilges completed his master’s degree with an overall grade of 1.2. His master’s thesis was graded with the best possible grade of 0,7 %. Sina Shivaei graduated with an overall grade of 1.1. His master’s thesis was graded of 1.0 %. Following his graduation, he began a doctorate at the Chair of Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering and Environmental Geotechnics.

In addition, Lisa Freifrau von Rössing was awarded the Faculty Prize for Computation in Engineering and Digitalisation for her master’s thesis “Symbol detection in technical drawings: One machine learning model for all drawing styles”. The prize is awarded by Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Dietrich Hartmann and was presented this year by Prof Markus König from the Chair of Computing in Engineering. Lisa Freifrau von Rössing completed her master’s degree with an overall grade of 1.1. Her master’s thesis was graded with the best possible grade of 0,7 %. Following her graduation, she began a doctorate at the Chair of Computing in Engineering. The second faculty prices was awarded to Subsurface Engineering graduate Hossam Abdellatif.

The evening was rounded off with musical accompaniment by Thomas Klein on the piano, entertaining quizzes via mentimeter, and the closing reception with DJ entertainment in the event centre of RUB.
We congratulate all graduates. Thank you for being part of the CompEng family. We wish you all the best for your future career and hope you will keep us and Bochum in good Memory.

Akademische Jahresfeier _3_

On Friday, the 17th of January, this year’s official graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering took place. Graduates from Computational Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering as well as the first graduates from Subsurface Engineering celebrated the successful completion of their studies. Furthermore, particularly outstanding degrees and achievements from graduates were awarded. The evening was hosted by Prof. Wichern, dean of the faculty, and civil engineering student and student council member Manuela Heinrichs.

This year, a total of three CompEng graduates were honoured with an award for their outstanding achievements. The Niemann Engineering Prize, which is awarded annually for the best achievement in the master’s programme Compuational Engineering, goes this year to Alexander Jungeilges for his master's thesis on ‘Convergence analysis of the (1+1) evolution strategy with drift arguments’ and Sina Shivaei for his Master's thesis on ‘Parameter study on size and shape of excavation damaged zone’. Alexander Jungeilges completed his master’s degree with an overall grade of 1.2. His master’s thesis was graded with the best possible grade of 0,7 %. Sina Shivaei graduated with an overall grade of 1.1. His master’s thesis was graded of 1.0 %. Following his graduation, he began a doctorate at the Chair of Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering and Environmental Geotechnics.

In addition, Lisa Freifrau von Rössing was awarded the Faculty Prize for Computation in Engineering and Digitalisation for her master’s thesis “Symbol detection in technical drawings: One machine learning model for all drawing styles”. The prize is awarded by Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Dietrich Hartmann and was presented this year by Prof Markus König from the Chair of Computing in Engineering. Lisa Freifrau von Rössing completed her master’s degree with an overall grade of 1.1. Her master’s thesis was graded with the best possible grade of 0,7 %. Following her graduation, she began a doctorate at the Chair of Computing in Engineering. The second faculty prices was awarded to Subsurface Engineering graduate Hossam Abdellatif.

The evening was rounded off with musical accompaniment by Thomas Klein on the piano, entertaining quizzes via mentimeter, and the closing reception with DJ entertainment in the event centre of RUB.
We congratulate all graduates. Thank you for being part of the CompEng family. We wish you all the best for your future career and hope you will keep us and Bochum in good Memory.